Sunday, November 25, 2012

Christ is King!

Christ is King of All! King of the Heavens and the Earth! King of the Universe and all that is in it!

Earthly kings will make mistakes. They may lead the people of their kingdom astray, or treat them wrong. They will eventually die, and another will take their place.

Christ, the King of all, does not make mistakes. He will never lead us astray. He will never treat us wrong. Also, He will never die. He lives eternally and sits at the Right hand of the Father. His rein will last forever.

Some are born into Kingship. Their Father was king and so they were chosen king after him. Others are picked. Still others may have been married into royalty.

Christ has always been King, is King now, And will be Forever.

Knights, we should be Honored to have the opportunity to serve our God and Savior, Jesus Christ, King of the universe and all. We are his Warriors and his Servants. We must stand up to defend our Faith, we must fight against evil. We must do this with a servant's heart. Doing it because our Master, Christ the King wants us to do what is right, and we Love Him.

Love is a wonderful and at times mysterious thing. True love in it's purest form, (and no I'm not really talking about the true love in Fairy tales) Is giving if one's self. We don't want to just do something for someone because we will get some thing out of it. "Oh, if I am kind to this person, they might give me this." "Oh, I don't think I'm going to do this for this person, it will cause me too much trouble." Is not what we would be thinking when true pure love is present.
"This is what is best for this person. I will do it, even thought it may cause me trouble or pain, because I Love them" is what we should be thinking. This love is one of the greatest things.

This true, pure love is the live that our King had for us. So much of this love God has for us, that he sent his son down to suffer and die for us. Jesus Dies for us. For us. That we may have the opportunity to sever Him and one day be with him in eternal happiness.

So on this feast of Christ the King, remember that Jesus is not the kind if King that is going to abandon us. He will not just forget about us. He will not lead us astray. He will help us. He is the greatest King that there ever has been in the history of everything, He is the greatest King now in this troubled and dark world, and will be the greatest forever.

So celebrate! We have the opportunity to be servants and warriors of the Greatest King ever! The greatest most powerful and most loving king.

May the Eternal King of the universe bless us all, and help us the serve him better.

Friday, November 9, 2012

We welcome you to be a warrior for Christ.

Welcome. First things First, I would like to tell you that this world Needs you. Yes, You, right there, reading this, right now. God put us all on this Earth for a Reason. We may not know that reason yet, I am not positive yet, But we are ALL called to do something. We may be simply Moms, Dads, Brothers or Sisters, Singles, Farmers, Office workers, Factory workers, And there are countless other professions, I could go on all day. But we are all called to live in the Light. We are all called to do what is right. And we are all called to live for Christ. After all, He DIED for us. So we should live for God!

So there you are, Knight! Yep, You too, are a Knight! We are the Church Militant! That means we need to fight for what is right. Plus, you don't need a physical weapon! You have already have Spiritual ones!! Chances are likely you have a Bible laying around. If not, you should get one. You may already have a Rosary. If not, you can get one from the Rosary Army*, Here. Or, you can even make one! Here, with instructions from The Rosary Army! Additionally, there are two prayer that I know of that you can pray with a Rosary. There is the Rosary, and also the Divine Mercy Chaplet.
You have some built in ones too. your hands fold together. Your mind can offer silent prayers, and your mouth can say prayers. So there you go, You have several already.

Well, we hope that this Blog will inspire and encourage you, and help bring you Closer to God!

God bless you.

*We aren't connected with The Rosary Army (other than in our faith of course!) But we do love them! They also have Recordings of the rosaries that you can follow along with if you do not know how to Pray the Rosary!